
"let my body find peace and let my mind be free"

bear with me, i am new at this.
since i have recently deleted my facebook (due to realizing something so petty was stealing my attention and time away from my creator and the fact that i was straight up wasting my time), i have decided that something like a blog would be interesting to keep up with. so here it goes..

recently i have felt so discontent with.. well, life. for some reason, i just can't get my head around the idea that i need to be spending 4 years preparing to be out in the world. i feel as though i am wasting my life at college. don't get me wrong, i'm having a BLAST. i am just longing to be in another culture, away from such a materialistic america. but today, i felt a peace over me. i think the Lord has finally given me some peace about the situation. i know that my discontentment only shows my lack of faith that God is in control. so i guess i will just sit back and enjoy this life that i have been handed, all the while striving to life fully for Him.

1 comment:

  1. Steph! I am so blessed to have friends like you who can share in the joy of our savior each and every day! From the very first night we met i knew you were different, and it has been such a joy watching you allow the Lord to take hold of your life, i am so glad you have found that peace, he truly is an amazing God!! love you!! =)
